Expert travel tips for horse lovers, including preparing for your horse riding vacation, sample packing lists for dude ranch and riding vacations, “green” trail riding and more.
Expert travel tips for horse lovers, including preparing for your horse riding vacation, sample packing lists for dude ranch and riding vacations, “green” trail riding and more.
Dashing Through the Snow on horseback! Tips for making it fun this winter. by Darley Newman. Just because winter is here doesn’t mean that you have to say good-bye to riding. In the right conditions and with the right gear, you can enjoy the crisp outdoors and have your own “das...
Want to experience a cattle drive on your vacation? Two experts weigh in on how to choose an authentic experience, what to pack and how best to enjoy this diverse adventure. by Darley Newman You may have seen us driving cattle on the Equitrekking TV show. We've worked cattle in destination...
Cappadocia horseback riding travels take you through exotic terrain for history, culture, food and adventure! by Darley Newman If you’re into exotic adventures on horseback, Cappadocia, Turkey is a fascinating destination to explore. It was on my bucket list for horseback riding vacation...
Don't forget these items for your dude ranch vacation. Click here to download a pdf for a more condensed, printer-friendly version of the dude ranch packing list. by Darley Newman After taking ranch vacations in Alberta, Hawaii, Arizona, California, Wyoming, Colorado and beyond, I've b...
You are heading out for a dream vacation on horseback. How do you pack, and what do you need to think about before you go? What do you need to figure out when you get there? No worries, I have a handy checklist for you. by Liv Gude Before you go on your riding vacation: -Plan on what to we...
Bringing your family or a group on a ranch vacation? Here are 10 great tips to help ensure it's smooth sailing and fun for your entire group. by Darley Newman Whether you are renting a ranch or taking a group on a getaway for a special occassion like a corporate retreat, wedding, girls get...
How to get the most out of the equine expos and equestrian fairs near you. by Karen Braschayko If you’re anything like me, the process of attending a horse fair or expo goes like this: I spot event information online or receive the flyer in my mailbox. I get really excited, highlightin...
How you can hit the trail without harming nature. Here are 10 tips to use anywhere you ride. by Karen Braschayko Many Equitrekkers wish to change the natural world as little as possible, taking nothing and leaving no trace behind while still enjoying the brilliant scenery and thrilling exper...
Interested in traveling the world but horses are keeping you at home? Ever considered a house swap with a fellow horse owner? What about swapping homes with someone who lives in a place you’ve always wanted to ride? by Darley Newman After hearing from horse owners who’ve watched Eq...
Taking a dude ranch vacation? Learn about Western riding and hear a beginner's take on what it's like to ride Western style. by Darley Newman Many people who are new to horseback riding wonder about differences between English and Western riding. In our Equitrekking Great American...
We continually update the Equitrekking Travel Deals page and blast it out first in Equitrekking's free monthly e-newsletter. Sign up to get the best dude ranch vacation travel deals first. Enjoy discounts on riding holidays and bargains on cattle drives and riding vacations. Need more ideas? Search the Equitrekking Vacation Guide and Top20Ranches.com.
Find the best global horseback riding vacations in Top Riding Vacations.